Automated Testing For Dynamics 365 Continuous Updates

automated testing dynamics 365 continuous updates

Ever since Dynamics AX became the cloud-based Dynamics 365 we know and love, one of the many benefits touted by Microsoft has been the continuous updates. While the idea of always being on the latest and greatest version of Dynamics is an appealing one, there are some key components involved to make these updates run…

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Ellipse Solutions – Architect Innovation Meet 2019 Recap

We’ve had some pretty cool stuff going on as a company this month. On top of participating in a Habitat for Humanity build and User Group Summit, we held our own annual 2-day conference all about the cutting edge of Dynamics 365 and related technologies. The Architect Innovation Meet, or AIM, is Ellipse Solutions’ own…

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Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations – Regression Suite Automation

Regression Suite Automation Tool uses

You may have heard Microsoft wants all their customers to be on the same base version of the Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations application (dubbed One Version).  Part of this plan is to provide monthly releases, including new product features and Platform and Application fixes/updates. One of the barriers for typical ERP customers staying…

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