Dynamics 365 – Managing Receipts Not Attached To An Expense Report

New expense report header receipts d365

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, Expense reports are entered using the Enterprise Portal (EP). After a new report is created through EP by an employee, receipts can be attached to the report. Imagine that you just finished a dinner meeting with a customer, have time to upload the receipt from the restaurant yet not ready…

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Managing Per Diem Expenses for a Mobile Workforce

Per Diem Expenses Field Operations Dynamics 365

Most companies with employees involved in field service understand the nature of per diem payments. Some are contractual, and some are a matter of company policy.  Does your system manage the rules around your per diem payments? Or does someone in a lonely cubicle have a spreadsheet that determines per diem payments? As field service…

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How to Manage Per Diem Expenses in Dynamics 365

per diem setup in dynamics 365 for operations

Per diem (Latin for “per day” or “for each day”) is a daily allowance for expenses—a specific amount of money an organization gives an individual, often an employee, per day to cover living expenses when traveling for work (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Per_diem). Not every travel expense is covered by Per diem. E.g. car rental or flight are excluded…

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Intercompany Expense Reports in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

setting expenditure reviewers dynamics ax

A term Intercompany is used to describe activities that are conducted between two or more related internal legal entities with common control, i.e. in the same enterprise. It is a very common scenario that an employee submits an expense report that just lists all his or her expenses for a week or a month. Some…

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