Simplifying Project Timesheet Entry and Adjustments in D365

Well .. if you’ve clicked on this blog, you are probably familiar with Timesheet entry in Dynamics 365 Project Operations, but maybe you have found yourself wondering how it could get easier? Look no further! Keep reading to pick up some tips regarding Timesheet entry in Project management and accounting in D365.

Let’s begin with some simple Timesheet modifications that are configuration only, meaning they require NO CODE! D365 grants you the ability to define the working calendar using standard work hours, the day the week starts, maximum/minimum working hours, which will carry through to your Timesheets. For a functional example, let’s say Company B needs a 24-hour working calendar, with a work week that that begins on Saturday and ends the following Sunday, with a maximum on eight hours worked in each day. In Organization administration > Setup > Calendars > Calendars. Create the Calendar and then click ‘Working times’ to define the standard work hours.  

Next, set up the Period type for the Resource, which is also found under Organization administration > Setup > Calendars > Period types. For a weekly calendar, define the frequencies as ‘Week’ and then select the day the work week begins.

Lastly, simply define the maximum working hours on the Resource or it can be accomplished through a Timesheet policy, which would apply to all Resources. On the Resource setup page, define individual maximum working times in hours.

Timesheets will display and be formatted in the manner specified and additionally, the Timesheet user will receive an error message if they’ve recorded more hours than the declared maximum.

Now let’s explore Timesheet adjustments. This can come in handy if you must adjust a Timesheet line(s), but the Timesheet has already been posted. Simply navigate to the Project’s contract and view the Posted transactions. The select the line to adjust and click ‘Adjust transaction.’

You will be prompted to enter the date for the adjustment transaction and then you will be prompted to enter any new values for the transaction. You can individually adjust fields like Project ID, Activity number, Category, Line property, and Financial dimensions. Additionally, you can select fields to default value from in set up like the Funding source, Cost price, Line property, Sales currency, etc. In this example, we are just adjusting the Category and Line property.

D365 will systematically create the adjustment journal transaction in the background after you Post that will offset the original Timesheet entry.

If you’re looking for additional Timesheet blogs to consume, check out this oldie-but-goodie: Time Sheets – Keeping it Simple in the Field.

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