Sales Order Hold Options in Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 offers standard functionality regarding placing and managing Sales orders on hold, encompassing everything from having a past due balance to simply needing their new shipping address. Alternatively, to place an entire account on hold, the users are given the power to place a Sales order hold on select orders or to create customized Blocking rules for the entire Customer table or just a select group. 

In simple terms, the users have an option of placing a couple of different general holds on a Customer account. In Accounts Receivable, after opening the Customer account, navigate to Credit and Collections> Invoicing and delivery on hold.

From the drop-down box, you may select All, meaning that all transactions for that account will be deactivated, or Invoice, meaning that a Sales order can be created, but the Packing slip and Invoice functions will be deactivated. Keep in mind that the drop-down box is also shared with the vendor table, so there are options that aren’t applicable in this case. Seems simple, right?

Let’s move on to the good stuff. Say you have a customer that is placing a drop-ship order and you’re awaiting a shipping address confirmation before it can be submitted. This situation calls for a Sales order hold and may be accomplished using Sales order hold codes. You can create custom Order hold codes by navigating to Sales & Marketing> Setup > Sales orders > Order code holds.

Create a new code with an appropriate description. For this example, I’ve created a Customer Service hold. Since D365 thinks of the small things, you are also given the option to make it the default code on Sales orders, removing the inventory reservations associated with the Sales order, and assigning a user security role if that is applicable to you.

On the Sales order tab, navigate to Functions > Order holds and select the appropriate Order hold code.

When the order can be submitted, return to Order holds and Clear hold from the Sales order.

Lastly, we will visit a Credit hold scenario. Let’s say you have a customer that has a past due balance of 90 days or greater and you need authorization or action before it can be submitted. Utilizing the Credit and collections module, you can create Blocking rules for Sales orders but first, we must define the checkpoint that triggers the Blocking rule. Navigate to Credit and collections > Setup > Credit and collections parameters > Credit. On the Credit management checkpoint tab, choose your desired Document status checkpoint. I chose the checkpoint Confirmation, to be notified of a credit issue during the Sales order confirmation.

Next, also in Credit and collections, Navigate to Setup > Credit management setup > Blocking rules. D365 provides a few templates to guide you in setup, so for this purpose, I’ve chosen Days overdue. In this case, All customers (A), versus a Table or a Group, are included in this Blocking rule (B), and the Operator is Greater than or equal to (C) 90 (E) Days (D) overdue.

Now, when the Sales order is being confirmed, you will receive a stop error if the customer has a 90+ day overdue balance and the order has been sent to Credit management for review.

Once the order has been reviewed and it is now free to be submitted, the hold can be removed by navigating to the Sales order > Credit management > Credit management hold list.

From there, you can evaluate the order for release by processing the Blocking rules again. If the order passes the Blocking rule, it can be released.

Hopefully, this blog provided some insight regarding D365’s flexible options in the Credit and collections realm. If you found this helpful, please check out A Quick Demo of Dynamics 365 Credit Management!

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