Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Questionnaires: Setup is Done, Let’s Have Some Fun – Part 2

This blog is Part 2 of the Dynamics AX Questionnaire education. Please see Part 1 here.

Once the initial configurations discussed last week (link) are completed, today we will review the actual setup of a Questionnaire.  Please navigate to Home -> Area page -> Common -> Questionnaires-> Design -> Questionnaires. A new questionnaire can be created by clicking button “New” on top of the page. Each questionnaire has the unique fields “Questionnaire” and “Description”.

Questionnaires dynamics ax

  • Questionnaires could be grouped by Type
  • A time limit can be specified when respondents must complete all mandatory questions.  The time limit should be entered in hh:mm:ss format.  During the answer session, a countdown is displayed in the upper right of the form next to the Time remaining field. When time expires, the answer session ends, and no additional responses will be accepted. If respondents do not complete all mandatory questions, no results are recorded for the answer session.
  • Save question: this checkbox permits to save the question text together with the selected answer.
  • Each questionnaire has a sequence for the questions.  It could be sequence, random, or conditional.

questions sequence dynamics ax


    • Sequence: questions are presented in the order specified in the Sequence number box on the Questions form. One of the suggestions at this point is to  set the sequence incremented by 10 (10, 20, 30) when new questions are added, so additional records can be inserted without re-work.
    • Random sequence displays questions in the questionnaire in a random order.  The sequence number is irrelevant. The value in the Percent field determines how many questions are asked.
      • Percentage in questionnaire – questions are arranged in random order, depending on the number of questions in the questionnaire
      • Percentage in result group – questions are presented in random order, depending on the number of questions in the result group.
    • Use Conditional questions to create a question hierarchy in a questionnaire and make the sequence in which questions are presented dependent on the answers selected by a respondent.  This option allows users to make questionnaires more dynamic.
  • Select All if all questions must be answered before a questionnaire can be approved
  • Select Back checkbox to allow respondents to return to an earlier question during an answer session.
  • Select Overview to allow respondents to see an overview of all questions on a questionnaire during an answer session
  • Select Note to allow respondents to add more information about their answers.
  • Point statistics is used to activate the Result groups button and allow points to be calculates for the questionnaire or for categories in the questionnaire.

point statistics result groups dynamics ax

result groups dynamics ax

  • Answer report allows print an overview of the questions asked and answers selected.  This option also enables the Incorrect answers report to be generated.
  • Results page enables to print the results page when the questionnaire has been completed.
  • Select whether the answers should be evaluated:
  • questionnaire answers evaluation dynamics ax
    • None – Answers are not evaluated. Therefore, no more selections are necessary.
    • Questionnaire – In the Origin field on the Questionnaires form, select how the evaluation should be made.
    • Result group – In the Origin field in the Result groups form, select how the evaluation should be made.
  • For the Evaluation = Questionnaire, select the Origin for calculation of the evaluation and the value that must be achieved to pass the questionnaire.
  • evaluation origin dynamics ax
    • Correct answers – One point for each answer marked as a Correct answer in the Answer group.
    • Points in total – The total number of points earned for Answers (“Points statistics” field should be checked).
    • Percent – The number of points, expressed as a percentage, earned for answers relative to the sum of the maximum number of points that can be obtained for all questions.

Attach Questions to Questionnaire

  • Click “Questions”.  Select questions for the questionnaire. Questions could be selected many times in different questionnaires.

attach questions to questionnaire dynamics ax

  • Select a sequence of questions, and specify how to calculate the result.
  • Add all selected questions to the questionnaire.

Note: Be careful when changing questionnaires that have already been answered.  Doing so can reduce the accuracy of statistics, which can result in a poor basis for evaluation.  Consider creating a new question instead of changing a question that has already been answered.

  • To setup conditional sequences
    • Verify that Conditional is selected in the Sequence list on the Setup tab.
    • Click the button “Questions”, add new questions, go back to the form, click the button “Conditional questions” under the “Questions” tab:

conditional questions

dynamics ax conditional questions

  • Select the conditional question, and then drag it to the primary question.

conditional question primary question

move conditional question

  • Click Yes.
  • Select the conditional question.  In the “Answer” field, enter the sequence number for the answer in the answer group that the conditional question should depend on.  For example, if one of the answers in the answer group has a sequence number of 1 and an answer of Outstanding, enter 1

conditional question setup dynamics ax

  • If the Sequence = Conditional, the flags All, Back and Overview on the Enabled section are no longer available


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