Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Intercompany Project Timesheets

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and AX2012 R3 Project management and accounting intercompany project timesheets allow a worker from a “lending” legal entity to book time against a project in a “borrowing” legal entity. By allowing the “borrowed” worker to book time against projects in other legal entities all project costs and revenues are captured immediately and can be seen and reported on as soon as the worker’s timesheet is entered and/or posted (based on configuration).

 *Note information in this blog is based on the assumption that the pre-requisite setups for intercompany timesheets in the “borrowing” and “lending” legal entities has been completed along with all related intercompany setups including transfer price.

 1. In the legal entity assigned to the worker navigate to Project management and accounting>Timesheets>All timesheets (can also be performed by the worker on Enterprise portal). Click ‘Timesheet’ in action pane to create a new timesheet, select date, verify correct Timesheet period is displayed, and click <OK>. In the example shown below, John is a worker in the lending legal entity (Contoso Germany – DEMF) while the borrowing legal entity is USMF.

Creating new intercompany timesheet in dynamics ax 2012

2. On the ‘Edit timesheet’ form click ‘New line’. Once the line is added select the borrowing legal entity.

selecting borrowing legal entity intercompany timesheet dynamics ax

3. Then select the Project from the borrowing legal entity where a worker needs to book time and, if applicable, based on setup select the appropriate activity.

select project from borrowing legal entity dynamics ax

4. Depending on configuration pending transactions can be seen in the borrowing legal entity (USMF), as soon as the timesheets are submitted and/or approved.

displaying pending transactions intercompany project timesheets in dynamics ax 2012

Check back next week to find out how lending legal entity can create an intercompany customer invoice which will systematically create a vendor invoice in the borrowing legal entity.


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