Microsoft a Leader in Notebook-based Predictive Analytics & Machine Learning Market

Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning Leader Microsoft

In somewhat predictable fashion, Microsoft is once again at the forefront of another 2020 Forrester report as a market leader. This time it is for Notebook-based Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning, hence the tongue-in-cheek first line of this post. There are probably two questions you are asking yourself right now: “How did I stumble upon such an awesome blog and what exactly does it mean to be the leader in Notebook-based Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning?”

We’re not sure how you got here, but we’re glad you made it and we’ll do our best to sum up the answer to the second question while you’re visiting. As outlined in a recent Microsoft blog post, Forrester found particular strengths in:

  • Collaboration and productivity tools
  • Coverage of entire Machine Learning lifecycle
  • Scalable enterprise capabilities
  • Robust Ecosystem

Scoring well in these key areas bumped the Microsoft & Azure Machine Learning score not only up to one of the strongest offerings, but also so far forward on the strength of strategy scale it is almost off the scale.

If you fancy reading the Forrester report yourself, have a look here.

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