Kelly Kane’s Top 5 Summit 2019 Attractions

User Group Summit in Orlando is right around the corner and you aren’t going to find another opportunity to get great Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations knowledge from the best resources in the world. You will hear about it from super users, MVPs, Partners, and even Microsoft themselves! I can go on and on about the great learning opportunities available, but that’s not what this blog post is about. I am going to share my top 5 unusual (but amazing!) attractions at User Group Summit.

5. The Medic Stations

Whoever came up with the idea for the Medic Stations is either a genius or a lunatic. I have been on both sides of the Medic Station and it can be a special encounter. I have helped people solve problems and I have been able to learn something new. I have also been stumped by some real zingers while volunteering as a medic, but there is always another user there who may have a different skill set than I who is willing to jump in and give it a try.

Where else can you get several experts in the field together to solve a user’s problems on a whim? You can’t beat the cost and you may learn something about the system that you didn’t even know existed.

Be sure to check out the Medic Stations – there will be experts there wearing lab coats to help you solve your most frustrating AX/D365FO problems.

4. The Swag

I get a full year’s supply of pens by walking through the Expo hall on the last day. Vendors are throwing their excess promotional swag at you so they don’t have to haul it back with them.

If you didn’t get a chance to pick up something for the spouse or kids, you can pick up a new flash drive or maybe a stress ball. Sometimes you can get clothing items. Why not add a little bit of Dynamics themed gear to your wardrobe in the form of t-shirts, hats, or even socks? One year I walked away with some fidget spinners and a selfie stick for the kids. Now that’s some serious swag!

3. The Contests

There are so many giveaways that are not promotional swag (see item 4 for more info about promotional swag). I have seen people win really nice prizes from a pair of Beats headphones to an Xbox One. It never hurts to throw your name in a hat and try to win – you may go home with a seriously cool prize!

And speaking of contests, Ellipse Solutions will be hosting their version of “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” revamped for the big stage at Summit, called “AXUG Millionaire.” A fan favorite for the Ellipse employees, we have an annual competition in the office amongst ourselves to crown an annual champion. We get some serious bragging rights and our picture on a plaque if we are crowned champion.

Look out for your chance to play and win on stage during the expo reception Wednesday night, I will be hosting! Or swing by Booth #1334 to play any time during the expo and win some swag!

2. The Networking

I have met so many great people attending conferences. By meeting new people and expanding your network, you get an opportunity to make connections that could be very beneficial in the future.

By joining up with the Women in Dynamics group or a Special Interest Group related to my industry, I have been able to meet people who have brought tremendous value into my life! Sometimes just a snippet of a conversation with another user will spark an idea and allow you to grow both personally and professionally.

You never know what might happen, so take the opportunity to have a conversation with someone. Sit with people you’ve never met before at lunch. Chat with someone who spoke up at a session if they had a question that you have some knowledge about. Get out there and make connections – it is always worth it!

And finally…

1. The Parties

What fun is a conference if there aren’t a few parties to attend? Dynamic Communities hosts a Welcome Reception as part of the conference where you can get free food and drinks with your favorite Dynamics friends. However, you can find several parties outside of that if you start looking at social media within a month of the conference.

A lot of partners will host events that range from a mild dinner to more exciting, immersive experiences! If you currently have a partner, chances are you’ve been invited to a customer appreciation event or party. However, you can feel free to attend other partner events as well.

Speaking of parties, sign up for the Ellipse Solutions event exclusively for the AX/D365FO User community, AX and Axes to be held at Stumpy’s Hatchet House on October 17th from 7-10 pm. This event has limited space, so register today and join me for a crazy good time throwing axes. I promise it will be entertaining!

Kelly Kane has been attending Summit on and off since 2014 and always maximizes her experience. You may see her at Summit presenting a session, hanging out at the expo, throwing axes, or wandering around asking people for a Fitbit charger. Be sure to say hi – she is pretty friendly, and will talk to anyone!

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