Intro to Task Recorder and BPM in Dynamics 365 for Operations (Part 1)

As a part of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations, Microsoft has introduced a novel approach to assist users with releases, business processes and training. Using a familiar web based application Life cycle services (LCS) and the improved Task recorder tool, Partners and Customers can, quickly and easily, record and publish a guided help experience in Dynamics 365 for Operations. The guided experience is called “Task guides” and can be recorded in Dynamics 365 for Operations, published into LCS and then used in training, testing, and production environments to meet all of your daily help needs.

In this blog, we will cover the creation of LCS business process models and subsequently we will show you how to create Task guides and publish them to LCS.

Follow the instructions below as the first step to creating your Dynamics 365 for Operations task guides, and developing your outline in the “Business process modeler” in LCS.

LCS Business Process Modeler

To get started, login to the Lifecycle Services website using your Microsoft account which is associated to your Partnersource or Customersource account.

  • On the LCS landing page, select the Dynamics 365 for Operations project for which you are creating the business process model.

  • In the More tools section click on the Business process modeler tile.

  • In the Global libraries area select the APQC Unified Library for Dynamics 365 for Operations (shows “Dynamics AX” in screenshot), right click and select copy in the bottom right pane. 

  • Update the Library name to reflect your Project’s business process model name and click OK.

  • Now you have a Business process model created for your Project that can be edited to meet your needs. To edit, click the “Author and edit” button under the Core views area of the left side of the screen. This will open the model for editing and you will then see the “New Business Process” button in the top, middle of the screen.

  • Click and hold to drag the New Business Process button down to an existing process node. A new line called “New Business Process” will appear.  While this is select, edit the Process details in the right pane.

  • Continue this process until you have all business processes in your outline. You are then ready to use the task recorder in Dynamics 365 for Operations to record and publish your task guides!


Part 2 of this post is available now, check it out!

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