Exploring Warehouse Management in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations: Exciting Details of Containerization

In a part 1 of this blog series, we reviewed the basics of Containerization:

  • Container Types
  • Container Groups
  • Build Templates
  • Containerization as a method in the Wave Template

To review part 1, click here.

Today we will further explore the discussion and dig deeper into the Containerization functionality.  Please remember the Containerization features are available only by enabling the Warehouse Management Module.

Packing Locations

It is required that locations for packing are created in Dynamics 365 with the location type of Pack. The Pack locations should be LP controlled.

Location profiles dynamics 365


Container Packing Policy

New to D365, the Container Packing Policy determines how packages will be handled during the packing process by combining the Container Closing policy, Warehouse designation, Default Location for Shipping and Container Release Policy as well as the Manifest controls.

The Container Closing Policy options can be explained as follows:

  • Automatic release – the container status will be released and the Container Release Policy is initiated
  • Delayed Release – release of the container is manual and a function of the warehouse worker
  • Optional – an option to release is presented at the closing

Of special significance is the Container Release Policy, initiated with the Automatic Release Container Closing Policy.  When “Make Available at Final Shipping Location” is selected, the container is updated to the final shipping location as designated in the “Default Location for Final Shipment”.  But if “Create Work to Move Container from Packing Station” is selected, Work is created using the Work Template indicated, when the container is released, providing flexibility, tracking and unlimited options for the pre-shipping operations.  Of course, a new work order type of “Packed Container Picking” is now available so a Work template can be used to represent the work that occurs after Packing.  This can be especially powerful when combined with Location Directives, as needed.

container packing policies

  1. Navigate to Warehouse Management > Setup > Containers > Container Packing Policy
  2. Enter the Packing Policy Name and Description
  3. In the Overview Tab, Select the
    • Warehouse
    • Weight Unit
    • Container Release Policy: Make available at Final Shipping Location or Create Work to Move Container from Packing Station
    • Default Location for Final Shipment
    • Container Closing Policy: Automatic, delayed, or Optional
    • Work Template (available if “Create Work” option is selected for Container Release)
  4. In the Container Manifest Tab, select
    • Automatic Manifest, if desired
    • Manifest Requirements: None, Manual, or Transportation Management
    • Print Container Contents, if desired
  5. In the Container Group Manifest Tab, indicate the Manifest Requirements for Container Group:  None or Manual
  6. In the Shipment Manifest Tab,
    • Indicate the Manifest Requirements for Shipment: None, Manual, or Transportation Management
    • Indicate whether or not to Print the Packing Slip

Packing Profiles

Containerization functionality also requires the creation of Packing Profiles.  Multiple profiles can be created to cover the various types of packing operations.

packing profiles dynamics 365

  1. Navigate to Warehouse Management > Setup > Packing > Packing Profiles
  2. Enter A Packing Profile ID and Description
  3. Select the Container Packing Policy that applies to this Profile
  4. Select the creation method of the Container ID: manual or auto
  5. Select the Container Type
  6. Select “Autocreate container at Container Close”, if desired

User Accounts

Warehouse Workers will need to sign in to the appropriate Packing Station, and a default can be created for the workers to make it easier and to guide the worker in operating the packing station.  An example Worker setup:

work users warehouse dynamics 365 finance operations

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For more information please contact Ellipse Solutions at info@ellipsesolutions.com or by calling our corporate office at (937) 312-1547.

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