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Enhancing Dynamics 365 Development with Terraform and Unified Development Environments

Date: September 12, 2024 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET

Discover how combining Terraform with Dynamics 365 Unified Developer Experience (UDE) environments can revolutionize your deployment and development processes. This webinar will guide you through the fundamentals of using Terraform for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and using UDE environments to write extensions for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, highlighting best practices for creating, managing, scaling and extending your Dynamics 365 solution.

We will delve into:

  • Introduction to Terraform and Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations: Understanding the basics and the benefits these powerful set of tools.
    Infrastructure Automation: Step-by-step instructions on automating the provisioning of resources for Dynamics 365 using Terraform.
  • Setting Up Unified Development Environments: Learn how to configure and use Visual Studio and the cloud-based UDE environments for a seamless Dynamics 365 FO development experience.
  • Whats next: Explore the ins and outs of moving away from LCS and Cloud Hosted Environments and prepare yourself for the future.
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