Dynamics 365 – Workflow Notifications for Delegated Approvers

Ever needed to make sure the delegated approvers are receiving the workflow notifications in Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain?  There is a way if you know the trick.


Users can set up delegation for workflow through the Settings option, for example, if they know they will be out of the office or unavailable for a period of time.  All that is needed is for the user to navigate to the gear or Settings and then to User Options.

Under User options, next navigate to the Workflow tab and open the Delegation fast tab.

To set a delegate for a specific workflow, select the scope of Workflow and in the Name field, select the workflow the delegate should be used for.

To set a delegate for everything, select the scope of All.

In the Delegate field, select the user to be the delegate.

Enter or select a date to start and a date to end. 

Click the enabled flag.



When a workflow creates a work item for the original user, and that user has created a delegate, the workflow will instead assign the work item to the delegate.  The delegate will receive a notification according to the delegates Notification settings and the workflow notification requirements.

Verifying Delegations

To verify notifications are being sent and received, and delegation is working as expected, follow these suggestions.

Navigate to a document that would be covered by the workflow in question.  This example uses a Purchase order for demonstration purposes.  Navigate to the Workflow history and to the Tracking details list.  In the list, there should be an action of ‘Delegation’.  The Message will include for whom the delegation was performed and to whom the work item was assigned.

This will confirm the delegation is occurring as expected.

The workflow history can also be found by Navigating to Common > Inquiries > Workflow > Workflow history.  Change the Filter from Stopped (error) to All to see a complete list of workflow instances.

Use the document filter to locate the document being researched.

Verifying Delegations

To verify notifications, navigate to System Administration > Setup > Email > Email history.  Another options is to navigate to System Administration > Setup > Email > Email parameters > SMTP settings > View email history.

Email history contains a record for every email, the email recipient, email subject, date and time, and status.

Use the filters to narrow the list down to a specific recipient.

Navigate to or click the Batch email sending status to se a complete list of email recipients with date and time and status.  From here, select the Show message to see the message content.

Either option will provide the necessary information to verify the notifications are or are not being sent and received by the user assigned to the work item.

Note:  If the user is not receiving emails, ask them to check their spam folder!

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