Dynamics 365: What’s to Love? Part 2 – The Public Sector

With Valentine’s Day this Sunday, we kicked off a month long blog series highlighting why certain industries should be falling in love with Dynamics 365 if they haven’t already! Today we’re talking about State Agencies, Municipalities, and others in the Public Sector space.

Dynamics 365 Public Sector Local Governement

You just know me so well!

Talk about “soul mates” with Dynamics 365 Finance and CE…you already have integrated solutions for Case Management (be it your roads, OR your social programs), Personnel Management, Skills Tracking, Grant Management, Employee Education Management as well as a world class, Enterprise level Financial System.  All of these things talk to each other out of the box! 

We won’t let you down, babe!

This solution deploys in the cloud, so you can stop having conversations about servers, server management, and connecting to mobile devices & tablets. Finally, you can stop worrying about a “system down”.  Microsoft manages the servers, maintenance and accessibility with a guarantee of 99.999999% availability. All your users need is an internet connection (a mobile SIM card will work in the field) and a need to interact!  

We are attached at the hip!

Stop spending so much time apart – work together with your team, no matter where they are.  Cloud Architecture allows access to your people anytime, anywhere from virtually any device.  No need for manual paperwork which piles up until you have time to enter it in ‘the system’ – knock off the double work from disconnected processes.  You have an update for your team?  Enter it from your device immediately and start looking at results in real time.  That pothole is fixed? That welfare check case is resolved? Enter it from your device in the field, on a simplified easy-to-use screen.  Refine your statistics in real time! 

We finish each other’s sentences!

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a great companion because it knows your business so well.  With the access of Power BI and sophisticated Artificial Intelligence in hand, this technology is here for the you to benefit in fresh and excited ways like never before!  Whether it be predicting caseloads with historical context, or finding the right resource for a Project (based on availability and skillsets), the power and scale behind this solution will make other suitors jealous.

While much of what was mentioned above is not especially new, it’s always good to take the time to reflect on true love.  Let us help you make (or rekindle) a love connection with Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Don’t forget to check out Part 1 of this series:

Dynamics 365: What’s to Love? Part 1 – Manufacturing

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