Dynamics 365 – Signing Limits in Purchase Requisition Workflow

When it comes to Dynamics ERP workflows, the Purchase Requisition-to-Purchase Order has historically been the first workflow in most implementations with a significant Procurement engagement. In a recent Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations project we had to establish approval levels by positions for purchase requisitions processing, and thought a quick How To guide would be beneficial for the Dynamics community. The workflow uses a managerial hierarchy (so after one person’s approval, a requisition is auto-assigned to the next level of management) and included a requirement to organize workers in groups by levels of approval dollar amount.

The groups can be defined by positions assigned to workers. For a smooth workflow through the organizational structure, every user should be linked to a worker record.

Position is an instance of a job. The Signing limit parameters (Organization administration > Setup > Signing limits) control if the signing limits are set by a Job or a Compensation level:

signing limit parameters

If the Job option is selected as the Limit basis, the Approval and Spending limits are defined by job in the Signing limit policies form (Organization administration > Setup > Signing limits). In AX 2012, the Default signing limit rule details are presented in a grid that includes the Job column:

default signing limit rule details

For multiple jobs, a list can be compiled from the dropdown on the Job column. In standard AX 2012, the dropdown form is not really flexible because there is no way to extend it to see the whole name for a job:

job column

After guessing what jobs are selected and closing the dropdown, the list for each approval/spending level can be reviewed in the Job column:

Dynamics 365 Signing limits

In D365, the same functionality looks friendlier: Job rule is a separate button on the Default signing limit rule details form:

 job rule button default signing limit

And the Job rule form opens up with the available and selected boxes, easy to navigate:

job rule settings

The reference to the Spending limit is set on the Purchase requisition approval workflow:

purchase requisition approval


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For more information please contact Ellipse Solutions at info@ellipsesolutions.com or by calling our corporate office at (937) 312-1547.

  Managing Customer Buyback with Working Loss in Dynamics 365/AX


  1. Steve on January 2, 2019 at 8:41 pm

    Thanks for the article. One stumbling block I’ve never seen a good answer for in AX is how to handle line items on purchase requisitions and purchase orders. On one hand, people frequently order the same items over and over again, but on the other, they don’t want to fill item management with every possible non-inventoried widget that might ever be needed from an office supply or parts vendor. There has to be some way to store unique vendor part numbers & descriptions, along with a procurement category, so they can be put onto purchasing documents without cluttering up your item list with stuff you don’t make or sell. A blog post on that would be a great companion to this one.

    • Ellipse Solutions on January 3, 2019 at 3:10 pm

      Hi Steve! Thanks for the comment. I have forwarded this to the consulting team for future blog topics consideration!