Dynamics 365 – Retail Product Kits

It is fun to get a gift. It is more fun when that gift is a multi-dimensional package, with many gifts, like a piñata. Product kits, by nature, are in fact multi-dimensional, the good news is that you do not have to beat Dynamics 365 with a stick to get the gifts inside though. Product kits are an out of the box feature in the Commerce module of D365. We will examine their purpose and set-up in the system.

What is a Product kit? A Product kit is an assembly of multiple individual products that can then be sold as one unit. The newly created Product kit is available across all the retail channels in D365 and they make it easy for retailers to bundle goods for sale and to dissemble them if desired to sell them individually. This feature is available with the Dynamics 365 Commerce license.

There is one small parameter setup to take care of first. Go to Module > Retail and commerce > Headquarters setup > Parameters > Commerce parameters. On the General fast tab, select a Kit journal name.

dynamics 365 commerce parameters

To create a Product kit, start in Modules > Retail and commerce > Product kits. Click the New button and the side bar will open for input. The Product number, Product name, and Product dimension group need to be filled in. Note that depending on the system settings, the Product number field could auto generate a value. Once this is done, Click OK.

dynamics 365 retail and commerce product kits

Now that the Product kit header is complete it can be configured. Click on the Configure button in the Product kit group on the action bar. This will open a form to allow the user to add products.

configure product kit dynamics 365

When the Configure kit form is open, there are a few options to consider. Under the Components section, click the Add button to open the add products dialog. This will allow the user to add the desired products. Find the desired products in the available products list and click the Add button to move a product to the Add selected products. When all the products have been selected, Click OK.

add products d365

Other notable fields, under Options, there is a switch to allow the Product kit to be dissembled at the time of purchase to be sold individually. Also note, that if the Product kit is approved and products need to be added, the kit will go back into “Draft” mode. It will need to be approved again.

d365 configure product kit draft mode

To approve the kit, click on the Approve button.

approve product kit dynamics 365

Close the Configure form and if all information is verified, click on the Product kit and then the Release products tab.

close configure form

Click on the Next button and follow the prompts to release the Product kit for use. It can now be found in the Released products form. Now that the Product kit is release, it acts much like a released Product. Go to Modules > Retail and commerce > Released product kits. Click on the Product kit and it can now be treated like a released product and values such as unit of measure.

From the main screen, click on the Product kit and then click Validate in the Maintain group on the Action bar. Note that there could be validation errors that need to be corrected on the product kit. Make the corrections and validate again until the product is ready.

dynamics 365 validate product kit

Now that the kit is approved and validated, we can set up pricing. Open the kit in the Released kit form and in the action bar, click on the Configure button in the Product kit group.

configure product kit group dynamics 365

When the form opens, click on the Specify kit price to open the side bar. Enter the price and click OK.

specify kit price

general assembly order dynamics 365

The final thought on Product kits is the need to Assemble and Disassemble the kit. In the system this can be done from the Released product kit form. Click on Configure and notice the option for Generate assembly order. Notice the Order type drop down allows for creating either an Assembly or Disassembly order. From here the user can indicate a QTY and then an Action. During this process the inventory levels will increase/decrease for both the Kit and the individual components depending on the action.

d365 create new kit order assembly order

options product kit dynamics 365

If the Commerce license is not available, then the company can consider creating a BOM version of the finished goods to create a BOM kit. This can be accomplished by using the Explode BOM functionality. If assembly is required, it is also possible to use the BOM journal. On the Sales order, the Kit can be listed on the sales line and the components can be exploded out for inventory picking.

Product kits can be a helpful feature for retail and when multiple products are being sold. We hope that this article provided some insight on their purpose and functionality in D365.

Check out our related information:

Dynamics 365 for Retail & Commerce

Dynamics RMS Support Ending: D365 Commerce Has You Covered

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