Dynamics 365 – Managing Receipts Not Attached To An Expense Report
In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, Expense reports are entered using the Enterprise Portal (EP). After a new report is created through EP by an employee, receipts can be attached to the report.
Imagine that you just finished a dinner meeting with a customer, have time to upload the receipt from the restaurant yet not ready to fill out a formal expense report. Or your employer requires everyone to provide their expense reports, however only a designated administrator performs the data entry.
Microsoft has introduced a new functionality in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, and it is now possible to upload receipts for an employee without the immediate attachment to an expense report.
>>Related Blog Post: How to Manage Per Diem Expenses in Dynamics 365
An Expense report can be entered in Expense management > My expenses > Expense reports. In addition, a new Expense report can be inserted from the Expense management > My expenses > Unreconciled expenses and Expense management > My expenses > Unattached receipts forms.
Another exciting new feature is Use Expense management > Periodic tasks > Receipt import for an employee:
To confirm a successful upload, an alert is shown on the top of the form:
After the upload, the receipts appear on the Unattached receipts form (Expense management > My expenses):
Click on the New expense report option to create a report right from that form.
If the receipt was marked before the new expense report is created, it will be automatically attached on the header level:
If the receipt was not marked before the new expense report is created, it is available to be attached from the list of existing receipts:
It is also available to be selected on the expense report line level:
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