Dynamics 365 – Managing Receipts Not Attached To An Expense Report

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, Expense reports are entered using the Enterprise Portal (EP). After a new report is created through EP by an employee, receipts can be attached to the report.

Imagine that you just finished a dinner meeting with a customer, have time to upload the receipt from the restaurant yet not ready to fill out a formal expense report. Or your employer requires everyone to provide their expense reports, however only a designated administrator performs the data entry.

Microsoft has introduced a new functionality in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, and it is now possible to upload receipts for an employee without the immediate attachment to an expense report.

>>Related Blog Post: How to Manage Per Diem Expenses in Dynamics 365

An Expense report can be entered in Expense management > My expenses > Expense reports. In addition, a new Expense report can be inserted from the Expense management > My expenses > Unreconciled expenses and Expense management > My expenses > Unattached receipts forms.

Another exciting new feature is Use Expense management > Periodic tasks > Receipt import for an employee:

receipt import for an employee dynamics 365

To confirm a successful upload, an alert is shown on the top of the form:

successful upload alert in dynamics 365

After the upload, the receipts appear on the Unattached receipts form (Expense management > My expenses):

Dynamics 365 unattached receipts

Click on the New expense report option to create a report right from that form.

If the receipt was marked before the new expense report is created, it will be automatically attached on the header level:

New expense report header receipts d365

If the receipt was not marked before the new expense report is created, it is available to be attached from the list of existing receipts:

Attach existing receipts

It is also available to be selected on the expense report line level:

attach existing receipts from expense report line level

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For more information please contact Ellipse Solutions at info@ellipsesolutions.com or by calling our corporate office at (937) 312-1547.

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