Dynamics 365: Jobs and Positions for Your Organization

Establishing your company’s organizational hierarchy is an important part to your Human Resource implementation in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise Edition (the artist formerly known as Dynamics AX). Once completed, the structure can be used for tracking your org. chart, route timecards, route expense reports, utilize the payroll module and more.

In order to have a hierarchy, one needs to create the jobs and positions within the organization. Below we will explore the use of both.


A frequent question when implementing HR functionality in Dynamics 365 / AX is why do I need jobs and positions? What’s the difference?

Think of a job as your job description. What are the qualifications of being a Sales Manager?

In navigating to Human Resources > Jobs > Jobs, we can see a list of all created jobs and create new ones. Within the Jobs Form you use each Fast Tab to build up the requirements of someone with this job; their skills, education, required tests and certifications, jobs tasks and areas of responsibility. The job is the foundation to then move onto positions.

Dynamics 365 Human Resources job


Now that you’ve created a job, the positions for this job must be added. We created a Sales Manager Job and now we’re going to have three Sales Manager Positions. This is because we have three Sales Managers, one for each Region.

Dynamics 365 Human Resources job positions

In navigating to Human Resources > Positions > Positions, we can see a list of all created positions and create new ones. Within the Position Form you provide the specific details of the position such as the Department, who the position reports to (this is important for creating the organizational structure) and payroll information. Once the Position is created, utilize the Worker Assignment Fast Tab to indicate the worker that fills this position and thus the job he or she has as well.

Dynamics 365 Human Resources Worker Assignment Fast Tab


Dynamics 365 Human Resources Worker Assignment Fast Tab 2

Now that your positions are assigned, you can navigate to your organizational hierarchies to view the company structure. For information on creating your company’s org chart,stay tuned for next week’s post “Dynamics 365 for Operations: Organizational Hierarchy”.

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For more information please contact Ellipse Solutions at info@ellipsesolutions.com or by calling our corporate office at (937) 312-1547.



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