Dynamics 365 Customer Service Knowledge Base
Knowledge is Power!
How do you manage your knowledge in your customer service organization and get this in the hands of your customers? This is a problem that has presented itself to many service providers for many years. What about those “special” cases that took you so much time to solve a problem or a service issue. We all know about the features of Cases in Dynamics 365 Customer Service, but did you know that you can convert cases to knowledge base articles to provide to your customers based on the toughest cases.
Convert a Case to a KB Article
One would frequently open cases for customers that have been solved many times previously and having a related KB article to reference or send them to help. However, you will eventually run across an issue you have never resolved before or have no relevant KB articles to help you. Once you find your solution, you want to be a good knowledge keeper and share this with your customers or colleagues. The convert case to knowledge articles is a nice out of the box process to allow you to easily convert these tough cases into knowledge base articles to be searchable, shareable and linkable for your CSRs.
Publish your Knowledge (KB Article)
Now that you have converted one of your most difficult cases to KB Articles, you can enhance your article with more keywords or other product knowledge to assist your representatives in solving customer issues.
Publish your article and allow your colleagues to search it.
The knowledge base search will use your keywords to return relevant KB articles to your colleagues searches for possible solutions.
Share you Knowledge with Customers
Now your knowledge can be shared with your customers via email from the Knowledge search panel in a Case or from the Knowledge Search.
The knowledge article can also be linked to related cases for other representatives that may be searching for the same type of cases they are trying to resolve. Using your case load to build your knowledge articles could make the development of your knowledge base happen faster and provide the answers your representatives are seeking even more timely. Remember, knowledge is power…so be powerful with your Dynamics 365 CRM!