Dynamics 365 – How cool is that! Customer and Vendor Payment Workspaces

Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations has done it again! Take a look at the functionality of the Workspaces! Basically, they have taken some of the key functionality from specific modules and created these awesome workspaces, which allow a worker to efficiently perform various job functions without having to leave the comfort of the workspace. To even take it a step further, workspaces like the Customer Payments and Vendor Payments enable these functions ACROSS Companies! How cool is that!? This is a huge time and effort saver for anyone in a centralized role, which is so common these days.

To make use of these Workspaces across multiple companies, there are some things that need to be setup first. However, even without the cross-company setup, the fact that the workspaces combine multiple transactions conveniently and contain a SUMMARY of the data situation, makes them well worth using even for one company.



Before a demonstration of the two workspaces, let’s review the setup for Centralized Customer and/or Vendor Payments to work.

  1. Multiple Legal Entities have been created.
  2. An Organizational Hierarchy with a purpose of “Centralized Payments” is necessary.
  3. Posting Profiles for Centralized Payments are needed.  The Posting Profile ID’s must be consistent from payment entity to invoice entity.
  4. Methods of Payment for Centralized Payments must be set up.  For example:  The method of payment to be used in the entity making payment, must exist in the invoice legal entity.
  5. Intercompany Accounting setup is essential.
  6. Vendor and/or Customer addresses across companies must use the same address book ID.

Customer Payments Workspace

Customer Payments Workspace in Dynamics 365

The Customer Payments Workspace supports the Accounts Receivable/Cash Application functions by displaying a summary of important links and facts for quick glance.

The Customer Transactions, listed by Company, can be quickly filtered using any column in the data table.  And transactions can be found using the Find Transaction query function.

New transactions can be created simply by clicking the New button, such as:

  • A Remittance Journal
  • Draw, redraw or protest of a bill of exchange journal
  • Settlement of a bill of exchange journal

Reports can be accessed quickly from the same screen.  No need to leave a form to run an inquiry.

Vendor Payments Workspace

Vendor Payments Workspace in Dynamics 365

The Vendor Payment Workspace is very similar to that of the Customer Payment Workspace.  It contains the same areas on the page.  Summary, Transaction List, and Reports.

The transactions that can be created by clicking the New button are

  • A Remittance Journal
  • Draw or Redraw a promissory note journal
  • Settle a promissory note journal


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