Dynamics 365 Commerce 2022 Release Wave 1 – Can We Talk?

One of the most important aspects of the 21st century commerce experience is giving the consumer more ways to communicate with commerce companies right from the website. As part of this strategy, the retailer needs a good chat feature. If you are like me, a typical day at the desk finds you with 20 tabs open in multiple browsers, listening to a webinar, and trying to figure out why the heck your wireless headphones are not working. You open a chat with the wireless headphone company and then play the balance game of working on all the other tabs, word docs, all the while keeping an eye on the chat, typing in at least a “Sure” or “Hmmm” to make sure the friendly helper person doesn’t leave you. This is a profile of today’s digital consumer.

Another splash in Microsoft’s D365 Wave 1, coming up in April of 2022, is the addition of an integrated and configurable chat widget that can be added to the e-commerce site with proactive notification capability based on different criteria. The different triggers use the Power Virtual Agents to interact with the consumer and customer service personnel.

Behind the curtain, in today’s work from home environment probably a basement office, the customer service liaison has all the data from D365 or the backend system pulled up immediately, to best assist that multi-tasking user on the other side of the chat to make them go “Hmmmm!”

You can read more about this in the release notes here:


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