D365 Sequencing of Planned Orders – ABC or 123?

Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain and Dynamics AX 2012 allows a company to setup Master Planning with [operation] Sequencing. For companies using process manufacturing, sequencing will group the operations for master planned orders based on attributes. This allows like-parts to run together to reduce the number of machine configuration changes, prioritizing certain products in manufacturing, or even completing the like-items to inventory at the same time for packaging. The possibilities are endless, depending on the product attributes setup by the company. Bear in mind, the built-in master planning engine will take longer depending on the complexity of sequence setup and if a longer time fence is used.

In both D365 and AX 2012, the setup for Sequencing is conveniently located in the Master Planning module. Setup is minimal but can be time consuming, depending on the complexity of the sequencing required for the manufacturing process.

  • Create your sequence (item attribute) with a ranking value: the lower the value, the higher the rank. Master Planning > Setup > Sequencing > Sequences

Dynamics 365 sequences master planning

  • Group, if needed, your sequences. For instance, if the yellow items are all under 2” in diameter, then package A is used during assembly. Master Planning > Setup > Sequencing > Sequence group

d365 master planning sequence groups

  • Apply your sequence value to items, then apply the sequencing to an operation or resource group. Master Planning > Setup > Sequencing > Sequence value

sequence value dynamics 365

Once the sequence setup is complete, the master plan or plans can be configured model you created with defined bucket periods to define how far in the future to group operation or jobs.

master plan sequence planned d365

After the Master Plan has completed a successful run, the sequence setup can be applied to the planned orders. Open the Sequence Planned Orders grid, select the applicable plan to view the sequence order and delivery date for the planned orders. Once the Sequence planned order is accepted, you can firm from this location or view Planned orders list page to firm with the accepted sequence changes.

D365 Master Planning > Master Planning > Run > Sequencing generation

AX2012 R2 Master Planning > Periodic > Sequencing > Sequencing generation

sequence generation in dynamics 365

Take note, Sequencing in D365 F&O will be ignored while using Planning Optimization as this feature will not be available until October 2021 – April 2022.

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