D365 Discounts: The Doable Check

Understanding discounts in Dynamics 365 is very doable, the system offers a variety of ways to set-up and manage discounts for both standard F&O and commerce applications. We recently held a webinar to go through some basic set-up options and understanding of these discounts that include why:
Discounts in Dynamics 365 are simple
At their core, line and discounts are Trade agreement journals (Trade agreements). Trade agreements can be accessed in various ways, such as directly from a sales order. When done this way, the user will see only the trade agreements that apply to the order from which they were accessed.
Discounts in Dynamics 365 are Mix and Match
This type of discount combines various products and triggers to incent the buyer.
Example: Buy 5 tubes of oil paint and get 25% off all paint brushes.
Discounts in Dynamics 365 can be Quantity
This type of discount sets an order quantity level at which the discount will trigger.
Example: Buy 10 Blu-ray discs and get 10% off. The key to this set-up is in the Quantity discount configuration.
Our webinar of Discounts in Dynamics 365 can be viewed here:
You can also read more about Discounts with these blogs: