Community Summit 2021 Recap

We are now full week removed from Community Summit 2021, the “Reunion of Magic” as it was officially dubbed. While attendance was limited and we know some key community members were not able to be in Houston, there is no denying the feeling of that old UG magic was there. Whether it was a familiar face on the expo floor, a session jam-packed with educational tips & tricks, or simply catching up with friends we haven’t seen in 2+ years over drinks; the return of Summit had everyone in high spirits.

Here are some of our quick takeaways:

Educational sessions are still unrivaled

In terms of sheer scale and quality, the educational sessions offered at Summit reminded everyone why the event had grown so large prior to Covid-19. Though there were some popular speakers unable to attend, it was clear the content struck the same great cord it always has in the past. The highlight of our session experience was of course Blane, Kim and Trisha presenting their topics, but it was really great to see engaged attendees across a widespread agenda. Stay tuned as Dynamic Communities plans to make many sessions available on-demand!

blane dynamics 365 CE session summit 2021

Dynamics 365 Commerce is a cool thing you should care about

Have you heard? We’ll forgive you for now if not, but we can tell you firsthand that Microsoft is making a major push in this arena. We know because we presented a session with Brion Reusche, Worldwide Solution Strategy Director for Dynamics 365 Commerce at Microsoft, and he even spent some time in our booth on the expo floor. If you didn’t get a chance to chat with him (he certainly put in the work to connect with everyone he could!), check out the 2021 Release Wave 1 for D365 Commerce to see what the excitement is about.

commerce session 2021 summit

Dynamics AX to Dynamics 365

With a limited audience this year, we weren’t quite sure how many migration/upgrade conversations we would have. As it turns out, a good number of users stopped by our booth with questions about next steps for the move from AX to D365. No matter where your company is on that journey, it’s a conversation we’re always ready for and really enjoyed talking to users about it on the expo floor. For those AX users we didn’t get to discuss migration with, feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to talk! In the meantime, if you are interested in learning more about what the process looks like, check out our recorded webinar series that walks through it.

Y’all were (and still are) the life of the party

A special shout out to Dynamicweb, Pacejet, and Vertex for hosting the party with us at Pete’s Dueling Piano Bar. It was a blast hanging out with our favorite people, old and new, over drinks and some great music. We heard a lucky duck from a fishbowl even made some appearances in sessions the next day, which is especially impressive since it was a late night!

Reunion of Magic to the Magic Kingdom

Ok well it’s not like next year’s Summit is being held at the actual Cinderella Castle in Disney World, but with the 2022 conference headed back to Orlando we couldn’t resist a catchy header. Seriously, it was amazing to see everyone down in Houston this year. We’re already looking forward to seeing the whole community in Florida for Summit 2022!

ellipse solutions community summit 2021

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