Benefits for Workers in the Field

benefit accrual for Field Operations dynamics 365

The most important thing for companies engaged in field service is finding and retaining good people. Your people are the customer facing part of your company, and keeping them productive relies on keeping them secure in their positions.

The most common way that companies with major field service operations retain good people is by providing the benefits they need to keep themselves and their family content.

Sounds simple, right? Just wait until you have that first conversation with an experienced Benefits Administrator. Do vacation days count towards 401K accumulations? Are overtime hours part of vacation calculations? Is everything accrued in to the correct fiscal period for accurate Profit and Loss analysis? Does any of this affect Project costs?

It’s enough to make your head hurt, and there’s nothing worse than watching your accounting people struggle to track it all in indecipherable spreadsheets. Is it time to hire that expensive Benefits Administration company? No.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations automates this process with an easy to use, rules-based benefits administration system that automatically calculates these issues, assigns accruals to the correct fiscal periods, and handles any revenue issues for Project based analysis.

Isn’t it time you simplified your life?

Call us, we can help.

Want to know more about benefit accruals in Dynamics 365? Check out the post below!

Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations – Benefit Accruals Made Fun

  A Must-Visit in a Sea of Awesomeness at IMTS 2018