Today’s professional atmosphere requires real-time connectivity of a company’s assets, data, and processes with its employees and business systems.
Systems, Information and device integration have been around for decades. The internet – the Information Super Highway – has begun to radically impact the Internet of Your Things for all industries. Machines, in particular, have been generating huge amounts of sensor data, but it’s been time consuming, costly, and difficult to gain relevant insight.
Companies like Microsoft have recently introduced Azure services that aggregate, distill, analyze, visualize and automate these processes and systems by providing device and data management, connectivity, real-time advanced analytics and insight with the result being to proactively avoid costly events or improve revenues and the customer experience. Cortana and Machine Learning also bring revolutionary delivery methods/interface along with the promise of faster and ever-improving responses to both predictable and never-happened-before events.
Ellipse Solutions, in recognition of its Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider Tier 1 status and because of the countless completed integration projects with similar goals as the “Internet of Things” promises, is an Azure IoT Red Carpet Partner. This simply means that Microsoft, through partners like Ellipse Solutions, is seeking Internet of Things Proof of Concept projects. Customers will be rewarded financially and technically while Microsoft will provide additional Azure IoT Service knowledge. Ellipse Solutions will not only add integration, but also Dynamics AX expertise.
Getting Started
- Contact Ellipse Solutions to setup an Initial Discovery to begin identifying IoT Project Candidates
- Generally, the project type will be: Remote Monitoring, Predictive
- Maintenance, Asset Management – Microsoft has provided templates and configurations to help build a Proof of Concept quickly, but the scope can be outside of these types
- Establish impact/cost (value) estimate to identify high impact/low cost (high value) projects for approval
- Begin/Complete project and have a famous Azure IoT story published!